We have a very successful After School Bowling program that brings in about 500 kids per week to our two centers and the Kids Bowl Free program allows us to make another visit to those schools in the spring, that really helps enhance our relationships with those schools. It also has permitted us to reach out to new schools and "plant the seed" with those schools to do end of the school outings, post proms, etc. We often see "Kids Bowl Free" families in the winter either open bowling or doing birthday parties. Last year we had several families participate in our fall Adult Jr. Leagues as well as several kids who started Saturday morning junior bowling leagues. I feel that the Kids Bowl Free Program has been hugely successful in driving afternoon business in the summer. We often have 16-24 lanes 3 to 4 days a week in the afternoon of nothing but Kids Bowl Free bowling. Without your program, those lanes would be empty. Lastly, the email list generated by the program has been very useful in promoting not only our bowling events throughout the year, but also our restaurant specials.